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Sample School: Leadership for Teaching English Learners
WIDA SIS Summary Report
24 Responses -
Report updated 01:00 PM Jan 18, 2022
Focus on Leadership to Support English Learners | Back to Overview |
Focus on Leadership to Support English Learners |
Subdomains | 1.1 Putting a Shared Vision into Action | 1.2 Maintaining a School-Wide Focus on English Learner Success | 1.3 Engaging in Inclusive School Improvement Planning | 1.4 Conducting Teacher Evaluations that Move Beyond Policy Compliance | Domain Average | |||||
WIDA SIS | 3.24 | |||||||||
School | School | |||||||||
Sample School: Leadership for Teaching English Learners
May 2019 — 24 responses |
3.02 | 3.19 | 3.33 | 3.17 | 3.18 | |||||
Promote Effective Teaching Practices and Services for English Learners | Back to Overview |
Promote Effective Teaching Practices and Services for English Learners |
Subdomains | 2.1 Practicing Appropriate Pedagogies with English Learners | 2.2 Conducting Formative Assessment of Student Learning | 2.3 Considering Individual English Learner Needs | 2.4 Providing Appropriate Services for ALL English Learners | Domain Average | |||||
WIDA SIS | 3.46 | |||||||||
School | School | |||||||||
Sample School: Leadership for Teaching English Learners
May 2019 — 24 responses |
2.95 | 3.38 | 3.0 | 3.09 | 3.11 | |||||
Build Professional Capacity for Teaching English Learners | Back to Overview |
Build Professional Capacity for Teaching English Learners |
Subdomains | 3.1 Creating Effective Professional Learning Opportunities to Support Teaching English Learners | 3.2 Leveraging Expertise to Enhance Instruction for English Learners | 3.3 Fostering Meaningful Collaboration Opportunities to Support Teaching English Learners | Domain Average | ||||
WIDA SIS | 3.32 | |||||||
School | School | |||||||
Sample School: Leadership for Teaching English Learners
May 2019 — 24 responses |
2.71 | 2.98 | 2.81 | 2.83 | ||||
Leverage Multiple Resources to Meet the Needs of English Learners | Back to Overview |
Leverage Multiple Resources to Meet the Needs of English Learners |
Subdomains | 4.1 Partnering with Families of English Learners | 4.2 Understanding and Working with Policies for Serving English Learners | 4.3 Facilitating a Collaborative and Effective Leadership Team | 4.4 Managing Human Resources to Best Serve English Learners | Domain Average | |||||
WIDA SIS | 3.59 | |||||||||
School | School | |||||||||
Sample School: Leadership for Teaching English Learners
May 2019 — 24 responses |
2.83 | 3.14 | 3.07 | 3.15 | 3.05 | |||||
Foster an Inclusive School Learning Environment | Back to Overview |
Foster an Inclusive School Learning Environment |
Subdomains | 5.1 Ensuring ALL Students Have Equitable & Appropriate Access to High Quality Instruction and Programs | 5.2 Promoting a Supportive Learning Environment | Domain Average | |||
WIDA SIS | 3.18 | |||||
School | School | |||||
Sample School: Leadership for Teaching English Learners
May 2019 — 24 responses |
2.96 | 3.04 | 3.0 | |||
To view your WIDA SIS subdomains that are Areas of Strength, view by comparison to the WIDA SIS Average or in relation to the ratings of other areas in your school. When examining a WIDA SIS subdomain, be sure to click “View All Practices in this Area” to view each question in this area and a distribution of responses for each question. All ratings are based on a scale of 5.
To view your WIDA SIS subdomains that are Improvement Needs, view by comparison to the WIDA SIS Average or in relation to the ratings of other areas in your school. When examining a WIDA SIS subdomain, be sure to click “View All Practices in this Area” to view each question in this area and a distribution of responses for each question. All ratings are based on a scale of 5.
You can view each WIDA SIS Domain and Subdomain here. When examining a WIDA SIS subdomain, be sure to click “View All Practices in this Area” to view each question in this area and a distribution of responses for each question. All ratings are based on a scale of 5.
This page reveals the highest-rated items and the lowest-rated items across the CALL survey; if items tie for the same rating, there may be more than 10. These items may be situated in any of the CALL Domains and Subdomains. Look to the response options for each item to determine how best to make progress in given practice.
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