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Long Distance CALL Sample School
CALL Summary Report
20 Responses -
Report updated 04:16 PM Oct 9, 2021
Focus on Leadership for Sustained School Growth | Back to Overview |
Focus on Leadership for Sustained School Growth |
Subdomains | 1.1 Maintaining school wide focus on teaching and learning | 1.2 Communicating and enacting a clear vision for teaching and learning | 1.3 Engaging in ongoing school improvement work | 1.4 Developing a culture of distributed leadership | Domain Average | |||||
CALL AVG | 3.52 | 3.85 | 3.06 | 3.61 | 3.51 | |||||
School | School | |||||||||
Long Distance CALL Sample School
Oct 2020 — 20 responses |
3.29 | |||||
Prioritize Learning for All Students in All Contexts | Back to Overview |
Prioritize Learning for All Students in All Contexts |
Subdomains | 2.1 Providing necessary support for ALL students | 2.2 Focusing on student learning outcomes | 2.3 Developing systems that support students' well being | Domain Average | ||||
CALL AVG | 3.75 | 3.48 | 3.6 | 3.61 | ||||
School | School | |||||||
Long Distance CALL Sample School
Oct 2020 — 20 responses |
3.36 | ||||
Support and Enhance Instruction | Back to Overview |
Support and Enhance Instruction |
Subdomains | 3.1 Supporting innovative teaching practices | 3.2 Promoting effective teaching practices | 3.3 Conducting formative assessments of student learning | 3.4 Providing relevant formative feedback for teachers | Domain Average | |||||
CALL AVG | 3.14 | 3.71 | 3.28 | 3.25 | 3.34 | |||||
School | School | |||||||||
Long Distance CALL Sample School
Oct 2020 — 20 responses |
2.86 | |||||
Build Professional Nested Learning Communities | Back to Overview |
Build Professional Nested Learning Communities |
Subdomains | 4.1 Implementing relevant and effective professional learning opportunities | 4.2 Creating opportunities for constructive collaboration | 4.3 Promoting collaborative feedback practices | Domain Average | ||||
CALL AVG | 3.42 | 3.55 | 2.57 | 3.18 | ||||
School | School | |||||||
Long Distance CALL Sample School
Oct 2020 — 20 responses |
3.16 | ||||
Maintain an Effective & Inclusive Learning Environment | Back to Overview |
Maintain an Effective & Inclusive Learning Environment |
Subdomains | 5.1 Leveraging resources for student learning | 5.2 Partnering with families to support student learning | 5.3 Fostering a safe and effective learning environment | 5.4 Implementing effective communication strategies | Domain Average | |||||
CALL AVG | 3.7 | 2.84 | 3.4 | 3.11 | 3.26 | |||||
School | School | |||||||||
Long Distance CALL Sample School
Oct 2020 — 20 responses |
3.12 | |||||
Comparison Practices: School Climate | Back to Overview |
Comparison Practices: School Climate |
Subdomains | 6.1 In-Person Practices: School Climate | 6.2 Remote Teaching and Learning Practices: School Climate | Domain Average | |||
CALL AVG | 2.75 | 3.63 | 3.19 | |||
School | School | |||||
Long Distance CALL Sample School
Oct 2020 — 20 responses |
3.35 | |||
Comparison Practices: Instructional Leadership | Back to Overview |
Comparison Practices: Instructional Leadership |
Subdomains | 7.1 In-Person Practices: Instructional Leadership | 7.2 Remote Teaching and Learning Practices: Instructional Leadership | Domain Average | |||
CALL AVG | 2.32 | 3.03 | 2.68 | |||
School | School | |||||
Long Distance CALL Sample School
Oct 2020 — 20 responses |
3.21 | |||
To view your CALL subdomains that are Areas of Strength, view by comparison to the CALL Average or in relation to the ratings of other areas in your school. When examining a CALL subdomain, be sure to click “View All Practices in this Area” to view each question in this area and a distribution of responses for each question. All ratings are based on a scale of 5.
To view your CALL subdomains that are Improvement Needs, view by comparison to the CALL Average or in relation to the ratings of other areas in your school. When examining a CALL subdomain, be sure to click “View All Practices in this Area” to view each question in this area and a distribution of responses for each question. All ratings are based on a scale of 5.
You can view each CALL Domain and Subdomain here. When examining a CALL subdomain, be sure to click “View All Practices in this Area” to view each question in this area and a distribution of responses for each question. All ratings are based on a scale of 5.
This page reveals the highest-rated items and the lowest-rated items across the CALL survey; if items tie for the same rating, there may be more than 10. These items may be situated in any of the CALL Domains and Subdomains. Look to the response options for each item to determine how best to make progress in given practice.
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